Plums and star anise, along with numerous wines, all share dominant volatile compounds.
With this recipe, we wanted to demonstrate that the aromatic attraction between these compounds was strong enough, beyond the sweet taste, to attain the harmonic comfort zone with red wine. This recipe, half way between jam and compote, will surely delight you.
Moreover, you should note that other foods which are complementary to plums (smoked black tea, clove, cinnamon, lavender, pepper, basil, rose water, cranberry, blackcurrant and scotch) are all great leads to help you create your own versions of the Mc2_Confipote.
8 grosses prunes noires mûres
sucre semoule
4 étoiles d’anis étoilé
- Infusion d’anis étoilé : dans une casserole, placer 1/2 tasse d’eau à frémir. Déposer 2 étoiles d’anis et faire infuser, à couvert, pendant 6 minutes. Filtrer et réserver.
- Laver, dénoyauter et couper les prunes en quatre.
- Dans un saladier, mélanger les fruits avec la moitié de leur poids en sucre.
- Lorsque le sucre est fondu, placer le tout dans une casserole à fond épais et ajouter l’infusion d’anis étoilé.
- Faire bouillir à feu moyen pendant 10 minutes et ajouter les 2 autres étoiles d’anis étoilé, cuire encore 5 minutes à feu moyen et verser dans un pot Masson. Fermer et laisser refroidir..
Aromatic Trail
The wine varieties that are complimentary to the plum, and therefore share a close molecular profile, are Malbec, more specifically from Argentina, and Sangiovese, ideally Tuscan and from a warm year, or from California
Aromatic Trick
Idéal sur un tataki de thon ou de saumon, sur une pièce de viande grillée, et sur un carpaccio de bœuf juste saisi en surface (le grillé de la viande entre en harmonie avec celui des poivrons et de l’huile de sésame grillée), ainsi que sur des canapés de pain grillé.
Use as lacquer or as a condiment for roasted pork tenderloin, as a garnish for a cheese plate – particularly with aged firm cheeses (such as very old gruyere and cheddar) if you wish to pair it with a red wine. You can also serve it for breakfast as a spread on toasts or as a topping for your morning yogurt.
You can also substitute the star anise infusion with half a teaspoon of black Lapsang Souchong tea. However, you still must add 2 star anise (step number 5 in directions), as they will appease the Confipote’s sweetness and soften the tannins of red wine, which in turn will lengthen its finish. You will have a Confipote that is subtly smoked, and will go perfectly well with oaky wines.